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Transforming Team Habits for a Positive Impact for People and The Planet

Use the power of habits and rewards to create healthy, happy and sustainable workplaces all around the world!

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About Us

At Impactboard we are linking rewards to learnings journeys in mental and environmental health for lasting impact!


BECOME an Earth Warrior

Join IMPACTBOARD effortlessly by signing up and doing mental  and environmental health challenges.



COMPLETE the Challenge

Starting from 14 days  you can complete a challenge of your will.  Couch and Team Buddy will help all the way to your goal! 


UNLOCK the Reward

80% or 2.000 Points to unlock rewards (*only applicable to our Earthbonus partners). The competition of challenges is rewarded by Certificates & Badges.

Explore our Free Challenges

Join our 20+ free challenges that fit your purpose. Your progress will be supported by a Team Buddy.

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Sleep Challenge

Engage in mindful exercises before sleeping in the Sleep Challenge, and let tranquility pave the way to a truly restful slumber.  Explore personalized sleep strategies, embrace relaxation techniques, and transform your sleep routine to wake up feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to conquer each day.

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Resilience Technique Challenge

Become the Master of Resilience! Join the Resilience Techniques Challenge and discover how these techniques can enhance your mental and physical well-being.

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Stress Techniques

Embark on the One Month Stress Techniques challenge, one step at a time, to reduce the stress and reclaim the joy. Sign Up for the Challenge!

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 Start your Journey Today!

Sign Up and write your name on 'The Board'

 User Testimonials

Stephan, Pensioner

I do like it!

Eduardo, Student

Resilience techniques have helped meaningfully. Taking  a 20-minute mindful nature walk has helped think clearly and feel better with myself.

Sara, Manager


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 Sign up & Make a Positive Impact!

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